Wednesday, March 4, 2009

One Sanyan Fruitstand

"Remeber this moment, boys.

This is the best day of our lives."

I never thought to drop even a moment's

rememberance to that fragrant embrace--

we can smell salty sea and fish,

shucked pineapple husks, and

sunburnt lips grip the tips of some tropic twist.

The store owner, young and olive skin alive,

gives us her only chairs.

We sit, three of us, in some long-held

desire for perfect unity and found

that you learn the sufficiency

of a motor cycle helmet

cruising downt he hainan biway

only after the fall.

And, above, the fireworks sing

their sweet mystery

over the sands--we can dig,

and do, to where these sands

meet the sea: there, in a puddle, we drown.

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